A Few Camera Photos Added

I added a few new photos today, 3 AP and one general photo.  No new telescope photos this time.  The weather has not been good lately; averaging about one clear night a week.  The one night I was able to get out was average at best.  Started to get hazy after about an hour or so.  I did get some good Orion and Pleiades shots.  I then decided to take everything downstairs so I could shoot from the back yard (north)  It took me about 20 minutes to get everything downstairs and aligned.  I started to take a few photos and after about 2 minutes (no lie), clouds came in and covered up everything.  So, nothing from the North this time.  I really don't have much open sky pointing North but there are some things to be seen from that direction.  Hopefully something soon.  The upcoming week does not look promising.  I might be able to get in one night but the weather is probably not going to cooperate.