New Photos and Lens

Weather finally cooperated Saturday, both day and night.  Took pictures at Alms and Ault parks Saturday morning.  Later that night I was also able to get out and take some Astro photos.  And, as luck would have it, I got up early on Sunday morning and did a quick session.  I posted about 12 shots, 4 astro and 8 general. Then Orion nebula that was added turned out pretty good.  15 lights, 10 darks, 10 flats, 10 bias.  25sec, f4.0, ISO800.

This week also brought 2 new lenses.  Both are working great so far and as far as I can tell (from my detailed checklist), I am done buying lenses for the foreseeable future.  Which is a good thing.  All things considered,  I am fairly confident my camera rig is complete and since the weather is starting to get better, I can concentrate on taking photos.  Heading to San Antonio in a couple of weeks so I should be able to get some decent shots from there.  Although, I still haven't figured what all I am going to take with me.