Spring Update

It has been cloudy and crumby outside the last few weeks, but I was able to get out today. Sun broke out about 1pm and I made my way to Cincinnati Museum Center. Or, as us old Cincinnatians call it, Union Terminal. Outside pictures turned out pretty good. I can’t say the same for the photos taken inside.

I’m starting to realize that taking the taking a photo is only half the battle. You need to spend a lot of time post processing it to make it really good. I’m currently using Lightroom and Photoshop for my post processing. Hopefully, it has a steep learning curve. If not, then I am an idiot because it has been tough. I have been learning one new thing every couple of days, so progress is being made.

Weather has not cooperated for the telescope. These last four or five weekends have been cloudy. Hopefully clear weekends will become the rule instead of the exception. A couple of nights should be clear this week. I should be able to at least get the camera out at the house. Light pollution is a major factor but it is good practice getting the equipment setup and functioning. Plus, I get additional images to practice me processing on.